Thursday, 5 May 2011

Punting with Family

One of the things in Cambridge that is pretty cool is the punting. If you don't know what punting is, it is nothing like putting. Completely different. Punting is where you have a really long pole and you stand on the end of a boat. You then get the pole and put it down in the water and push off the ground, propelling yourself and the boat forward. But it is no easy task (I can't tell you from experience because I wasn't the punter) for you can easily fall off without anything holding you on. You don't have the sides of the boat to catch you for it is a flat area where you stand. Or another way to make the punting experience not so pleasant is to drop the pole when it gets stuck in the ground.
Anyway, we all had a lovely time in the boat and it took a few knocks but we all survived. I lived to tell the tale, luckily, and the camera lived to show you the story.

Hmmm... I think... that is... a fail.
What a little quacker.
I found it extremely fun punting and enjoyed every most moments.
Have you ever been punting?


Anonymous said...

Who left the pole behind ? roflmao hahahahahaha

lifewithmydogs said...

My sister managed to get the pole stuck in some mud or something... What a fail. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I imagine loads of people manage to get their pole stuck.....I wonder if anyone ever ends up hanging off the end of the pole ?

lifewithmydogs said...

Hmmm, I think maybe a few people might get stuck on top of their pole, but I don't think the majority would!